          回覆:神的預知 # 1258 [Really 蔡琴 w 澎湖民宿as killed by Condi Rice long long time ago] You dare not kill her, you 帛琉 unwilling to be slaved by her like Angus Tung showed, even "Sung.Sin.Lain" must have to be kil 小型辦公室led by her, not mention 蔡琴 just having little bit of Taiwanese military backer. That may explain how come even Co 結婚西裝ndi Rice real husband Clearance Thomas [孫國慶-劉文正-"Chen.Kite.Ping"] must have to keep long distance away from her in order to have a room to 面膜 get his life of lie hanging there. Before blaming others, you need to blame yourself first. What made all those poor Taiwanese slaved by Condi Rice at their own 辦公室出租 place? Because Taiwan law makers failed to keep China Dynasty best mankind policy to respect every Chinese man can have right to kill at his mad, at his hate, at his love. That given Co 室內設計ndi Rice the stick to sold out all USA super tech and phony ID to build up her personal unthinkable underground chained slavery terrors force. That may explain how come Taiwan "Tower.Yuan" county official hea 裝潢dquarter master "6.Bond.Yo" could be killed openly with no one dare to trace the motive not mention to seek those gangsters hometown. You don't have guts to respect your own civilians can have right to own fire arms to make self-defen 商務中心se to kill any suspected foreigners, you just need to swallow they all killed by foreigners or your own sucking enemy within.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 術後面膜  .

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